Danniel Ngwenya
Pastor and Youth Leader
Was born in Zimbabwe and studied at Domboshawa House Theological College in Harare from where he holds a Diploma in Pastoral Studies. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology & Religious Studies from the Zimbabwe Open University. Danniel is a key player in the leadership team, carrying the vision of the work passionately on his heart. He takes the lead in representing Montgomery Heights in official meetings with the Department of Social Welfare and also works closely with the maintenance team at the home, sourcing and purchasing needed supplies. He is Co- Pastor of Voice of Triumph Community Church and oversees the outreach work into the community. He is a gifted preacher and this, combined with his energy and enthusiasm for all kinds of sports, makes him the ideal leader for the Youth Work of the church. He is married to Bridget and they have two children, Isaiah and Jeremy.